Student Opportunities
Winstead Elementary School prides itself on providing engaging Related Arts classes during the school day as well as many before or after school opportunities to get involved. Our specials classes and activities provide a variety of opportunities to develop and showcase their talents and skills. Students are encouraged to engage in multiple opportunities to become involved in the Winstead family.
Related Arts
Each day, Winstead students attend Specials Classes for 45 minutes where they are challenged by highly qualified teachers in that specialty subject. There is a full-time Music Teacher, a full-time Media Specialist, two full-time Physical Education Teachers, a full-time and part-time school Counselor, and a full-time Art Teacher.
Below you can find a description of each Specials Class your child will attend. Students are on a five-day rotation for their Specials Classes. The students will attend Physical Education twice each week.
School Sponsored Activities
Whatever the interest of your child, Winstead tries to provide something for everyone. See all of our seasonal and year-long activities and applicable grade levels. Winstead offers opportunities for peers to engage with other peers that share the same interests.
Students will learn more about these activities during the school year. If you would like more information about joining an activity, please contact the office and be on the lookout for information from our activity leaders.
- Care Team
- Cheerleaders
- Chess Club
- Elementary World Language
- Paw Patch Store
- Safety Patrol
- Student Council
- Wildcat Fit
- Winstead Singers
- Winstead Wildcats Run Team
- Robotics
- 5th Grade Media Team